Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More Oatmeal - Less Milk

A word of warning to anyone preparing oatmeal for a five year old's breakfast...go easy on the milk. My son who is now an adult was a very particular child. Ok in all reality he still tends to be much more like his daddy than myself. From the time he was very small he has had a strong affection for honey nut Cheerios. In fact I bet I could call him today and ask "What's for breakfast?" and his reply would be said with a chuckle in his voice, "Honey Nut Cheerios." It was not uncommon that we would go through two boxes a week. One morning I realized we had run out and I had yet to replenish my supply. (Have I mentioned I hate grocery shopping) Anyway I decided he would have to settle for oatmeal. So as he got dressed to go to kindergarten I started the process of preparing his bowl. I decided to make it a little sweeter than normal in hopes that he would skip over my mistake. He came to the table took one look at the bowl and let a escaping sigh of disappointment. I figured once he tasted it all would become right with the world again. I had put a little cinnamon, some honey (I also was out of brown sugar) and apparently a little more milk than was needed. As he began to stir he looked at me with a frown and said, "Mom you put too much milk. All the honey is at the bottom." "It's ok buddy" I said as I began to stir "I will get it mixed up for you." "No mom you put to much milk. I don't like it this soupy. Can I have honey nut Cheerios?" I look at him and realized I was going to have to tell him the dreaded news. "No honey you can't because we don't have any. I need to go to the store." As only a 5 year old can do, he looked up at me with tears in his eyes and a look of disgust on his face and whinnied, "You put too much milk in my oatmeal." He was so cross with me. The next words were a reflection of his anger and I knew smiling at his next statements would be highly inappropriate. "For your consewishes (consequences) you are not going to get to talk on the phone today. And you can't wear dresses anymore. (Huh like that's a punishment) And one more can't ever leave the house again." This was all over the fact that his oatmeal had too much milk! Imagine if I had done something really serious like burn his toast. Oh the ramifications! I can't bear to think. Because he was a child his response was childlike. I couldn't have imagine if my husband had behaved this way.
In my faith and my relationships with others I find that at times I behave in a childlike way. Trying to punish for mistakes and make others pay for not being perfect. I don't want to be a child who decides to throw a fit out of frustration. I hope you don't want to either. So let's agree together...
For those who speak against us...that we would bless them with our tongues.
For those who have owed us money for way to long....let us bless them with the wealth of patience.
For those who have been hurt by us for no apparent reason...let us offer them the Band-Aid of understanding.
For those who feel we are too loud...let us love them in our silence.
For those who feel we are too quiet...let us love them out loud.
For those who always have a better way...let us offer them the support in carrying it out.
For those who spend their time in negative thought...let us show them the grass really is greener on the other side.
For those who know it all...let us find value in what they really do know.
For those who like to complain...let us hear their true concern.
For those who want to see us fall....let us lift them up in prayer.

You see our response really is our responsibility. No one makes you behave in a certain way. You choose it. As do I.
I love the account of Moses in the midst of the nation Israel who didn't see the sin as clearly as he saw the people. In fact he saw the people so clearly he not only prayed for them but he also offered himself up in payment for their sin. Sound familiar? You and I have got to come to the conclusion that people are offensive but never the less we are called to love and sacrifice for them. In the midst of other's flaws we should, as brothers and sisters in Christ, be willing to stand like Moses and say, "But now forgive their sin, but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written." Exodus 32:32 Moses was willing to be removed on behalf of others. Am I?
Remember..."Wisdom makes one wise man more powerful than ten rulers in a city. There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins. Do not pay attention to every word people say, or you may hear your servant cursing you for you know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others." Ecclesiastes 7:19-21
Just for the this day Jarrod is not fond of oatmeal but has decided that I can now wear dresses if I want and go outside.

Blessed to be His

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